Magento Meetup Kyiv – Deployment Automation

Every month Magento Kyiv office organizes an event called Dare to Share. Everyone who is interested to share some interesting Magento or hear latest trends in development are welcome.

I’ve decided to share our experience. Our deployment took 6 non-stop hours with 75 manual steps each time we would like to have a new version of a website. How is this possible to have 75 manual steps for Magento 2 project you ask? Well. For the 99.9% website availability, you might need to have an extra couple of servers and backups.

In case you consider automating your releases for eCommerce website the “From 6 hours to 20 minutes deployment” topic will spread some light on it. For our deployments, we use AWS service called Code Deploy. I’ve mentioned a couple of times in my previous The Devletter about my experience using this tool. This time I would like to share in more detail.

There are also going to be other speakers with interesting topics. At the moment of writing, this post speakers aren’t announced.

If you are around in Kyiv, July 20, 2017, you are more welcome to come and have some fun with me and other speakers talking about Magento 2. The event starts at 18:00.

Location: Magento Office

Address: Украина, Киев, ул.Новоконстантиновская 18, 5- эт.

Looking forward to seeing you there.







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